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時 間:2019-01-31 09:53:22   杭州中譯翻譯有限公司·杭州濱江翻譯公司·專業(yè)翻譯機構


  擦邊球 edge ball, touch ball

  擦網(wǎng)球 net ball

  才疏學淺 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge

  才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  財產(chǎn)稅 property tax; estate (or capital) duty

  財務報表 financial statement

  財務丑聞 accounting scandal

  財務代理人 fiscal agent

  財務公開 keep the public informed of the financial affairs

  財政、信貸雙緊方針 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit

  財政包干 fiscal responsibility system

  財政赤字 financial deficit

  財政紀律 financial and economic discipline

  財政年度 fiscal year

  財政收入 fiscal revenue

  財政稅收 revenue tax;fiscal levy;fiscal taxation;financial taxation

  裁減冗員 cut down on overstaffing ; lay off redundant staff

  裁軍 disarmament

  參拜靖國神社 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine

  參股公司 joint stock company

  參股者 equity participant

  參政、議政 participate in the management of State affairs

  參政黨 parties participating in the management of state affairs; parties participating in the government decision-making process

  餐巾紙 napkin

  餐桌轉(zhuǎn)盤 Lazy Susan

  慘淡經(jīng)營 work hard and carefully to keep one's business going

  倉儲式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

  藏書票 book labels identifying a collector or collection

  藏學 Tibetology

  操辦 make arrangements

  操縱股票市場 manipulate the stock market

  操作系統(tǒng) operating system

  草根工業(yè) grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)

  草藥 herbal medicine

  側(cè)記 sidelights

  層層轉(zhuǎn)包和違法分包 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting

  查房 make/go the rounds of the wards

  查封 close down

  茶道 sado

  差額撥款 balance allocation

  差額投票 differentail voting

  差額選舉 competitive election

  拆東墻補西墻 rob Peter to pay Paul

  拆遷補償費 compensation for demolition

  拆遷戶 households or units relocated due to building demolition

  產(chǎn)糧大省 granary province

  產(chǎn)品構成 product composition

  產(chǎn)品積壓 overstocked products

  產(chǎn)品結構 product mix

  產(chǎn)品科技含量 technological element of a product

  產(chǎn)品生命周期分析 LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)

  產(chǎn)權劃轉(zhuǎn)和產(chǎn)權變動 the transfer of and changes in property rights of enterprises

  產(chǎn)權明晰、權責明確、政企分開、科學管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management

  產(chǎn)權制度、產(chǎn)權關系 property relations; property order

  產(chǎn)權轉(zhuǎn)讓 transference of title of property

  產(chǎn)銷兩旺 both production and marketing thrive

  產(chǎn)銷直接掛鉤 directly link production with marketing

  產(chǎn)業(yè)不景氣 industrial depression

  產(chǎn)業(yè)的升級換代 upgrading of industies

  產(chǎn)業(yè)結構升級 upgrading of an industrial structure

  產(chǎn)業(yè)升級 upgrade industries

  長二捆 LM-2E

  長江三角洲 Yangtze River delta

  長江三峽和黃河小浪底水利樞紐工程 the key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River

  長江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River

  長跑 a long-distance running

  長期共存、互相監(jiān)督、肝膽相照、榮辱與共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe

  長期國債 long-term government bonds

  城市垃圾 city refuse

  城市綠地 urban open space; urban green land

  城市綠化 urban landscaping

  城市美容師 urban environmental worker

  城市運動會 municipal athletics meet

  出口創(chuàng)匯型產(chǎn)業(yè) export-oriented industry

  出口加工區(qū) export processing zones

  出口賣方信貸 seller's credit on exports

  出口退稅率 export rebate rate

  出口退稅制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate

  出口押匯 bill purchased (B/P); outward documentary bill

  出口轉(zhuǎn)內(nèi)銷 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports

  粗放式管理 extensive management

  粗放型 extensive form

  粗加工產(chǎn)品 rough-wrought product

  促進對外貿(mào)易多元化 diversify our trading partners; promote the diversificationof foreign trade

  促進全球經(jīng)濟一體化 foster integration with the global economy

  促銷 promote sales; promotion

  催淚彈 tear gas

  存儲能力 storage capacity

  存款保證金 guaranty money for deposits

  存款單 Certificates of Deposits

  存款準備金制度 reserve against deposit system

  存量資本 stock of capital

  搭錯車 follow a wrong train; join in a wrong group; follow a wrong example;wrong act because of wrong judgement or rash imitation

  搭售 conditional sale; tie-in sale

  搭送 throw in

  達標活動 target hitting activities

  答謝宴會 return banquet

  打白條 issue IOU

  打包貸款 packing credit (loan)

  打包兒 use doggy bags to take food home

  打保票 vouch for somebody; guarantee something

  打出王牌 play one's trump card

  打翻身戰(zhàn) fight to change for the better

  打工 do work for others

  打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering

  打擊報復 conduct reprisals; retaliate

  待崗 await job assignment, post-waiting

  待業(yè) job-waiting

  待業(yè)人員 job-waiting people

  貸學金 student loan

  單邊主義 unilateralism

  單刀赴會 start a solo run

  單親家庭 single-parent family

  單身貴族 the single

  單挑 do something by oneself; work on one's own

  單向收費 One-way charge system

  單循環(huán)制 single round-robin system

  單一經(jīng)濟 one sided economy; single product economy

  單一種植 single cropping

  彈道導彈 ballistic missile

  彈性工資 flexible pay

  彈性就業(yè) flexible employment

  彈性外交 elastic diplomacy


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